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Frequently Asked Questions

Installing on a Mac

Macports is one possible package manager for OS X and the one that will be assumed for these instructions. Instructions are provided at the Macports website It is assumed that the versions of your software are:

* Mac OS X >=10.8
* Xcode >=4.3.1
* MacPorts >=2.0.4 (requires Xcode)

If you do not have MacPorts, then you must ensure Xcode is installed before you are able to install MacPorts. Xcode is available through the AppStore but it is also required to go into the Xcode preferences, select the Downloads tab, and ensure that the “Command Line Tools” component is installed. This is all outlined in the MacPorts installation guide which is referenced above.

There is various Fortran code within Genie but the default XCode compiler doesn’t ship with a fortran compiler. The last two lines of the commands below deal with this.

Next we must run the following commands:

sudo port install wget
sudo port install cmake
sudo port install boost +python27
sudo port select --set python python27
sudo easy_install sphinx
sudo port install mercurial
sudo port install py27-tkinter
sudo easy_install virtualenv

sudo port install gcc47 +gfortran
sudo port select gcc mp-gcc47

See Frequently Asked Questions about how to change the Python version in userspace.

On a Mac, I get “Fatal Python Error: PyThreadState”?!

This obscure error means that you somehow mixed python versions. Make sure that you create your virtual environment with the virtualenv -p my_python_version where you tell it to clone the correct python version. This should agree with the version that’s selected in sudo port select --list python.

How do I check my CMake version?

Run the command cmake --version.

How do I upgrade my CMake version?

You can download CMake from their download page or you can use your package manager. Worst case: discuss with your system administrator and tell them how many years old your version of CMake is.

You can also build CMake much like Xerces C++ is built in the installation instructions to install it in your virtual environment.

Does Python 3.X work?

Currently it’s not supported. If you can get it working, notify the developers where your branch and it can be included. However, initial attempts in January 2012 at getting ROOT, g4py, and Python 3 to work together were less than successful.

How do I check my Python version

Run the command python --version.

Install Numpy and Scipy on Mac Lion

As of the 8th of March, 2012, you have to branch the git repositories. Make sure an install of either doesn’t already exist since they have to be in sync.

I also had to do swig install swig swig-python and (ugly-ly) install umfpack with HomeBrew.

How do I change my Python version?

Normally one should ask the systems administrator to get you the required version. Many distributions ship with old versions of Python, so this should be a reasonable request.

However, this may not be straightforward for one reason or another. One should search online for how to install Python in user-space. For reference, the commands to do this are shown but it may be different for your machine:

mkdir ~/gnomon
cd ~/gnomon
export GNOMON_DIR=`pwd`
mkdir local
tar xvfz Python-2.7.2.tgz
cd Python-2.7.2
./configure --prefix=$GNOMON_DIR/local --enable-shared CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" CFLAGS="-fPIC"
make install
export PATH=$GNOMON_DIR/local/bin:$PATH
cd ..
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
# now you have easy_install
easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv -p `which python` $HOME/env/gnomon
cd $HOME/env/gnomon
export EXTRAS="--with-python-incdir=/home/tunnell/gnomon/local/include/python2.7 --with-python-libdir=/home/tunnell/gnomon/local/lib"

Why is the test coverage of Geant4 interfaces poor?

Hard to instantiate. Geant4 isn’t modular enough.

How do I get git

It should be provided by your system adminstrator. The program is common in particle physics code development and, for example, is supported by Fermilab.

If your system administrator refuses, then you can always try to use the program mercurial with the hg-git extension. This can be done by running the following within a Python virtualenv environment:

easy_install mercurial hg-git

Then adding the following to ~/.hgrc:

hgext.bookmarks =
convert =
hggit =